Friday, July 17, 2009

Nanny and Jakob Came to Visit

Nanny and Jakob came to visit when Daddy flew out for a guys trip. It was a short visit but we all had lots of fun visiting and seeing each other. My mom was a big help during the day and night. I was able to catch up on some sleep. Hannah especially loves it when they come. She loves her uncle and he is a real trooper always playing with her and helping out. They enjoyed hide and seek and setting off poppers for the 4th. She like to do what ever he does. We wish they were closer, but enjoy the visits when they come. (Hannah learned to take her clothes off and put them back on, some how they did not get back on in the pictures! Oh well...)
Watching the Fireworks from the deck of our house, somehow Hannah's shirt came off!

Nanny and Charles 4th Of July

Uncle Jakob and Hannah Dancing

3D Glasses