Wednesday, July 1, 2009
First day of School
Hannah started Montessori school. It was very exciting for her but sad as she had to say goodbye to Melissa a family friend that has been taking care of her everyday since I was pregnant on bed rest. They had some good times together and I know Hannah will miss her and already asks where she is. Hannah started the toddler program as she is very active and needs more attention than I can give her right now with Charles not doing so well. He needs a lot of focus and attention to just get by so we decided that it would be best for her to start school. She loves it already, and loves being around other kids. This was a truly hard decision as a mother to put her in but right now this is what is best. She goes from 9- 3:30 which has given me more time to work with Charles on feeding. He has continued to struggle with feeding and losing weight so being able to fully concentrate on this has helped and when we pick Hannah up they both have had a great day and enjoy playing together till bed time.