Wow where did the time go! It has been a busy last couple of months. Looking back we have all been through a lot, especially Charles. If there is one thing I have learned in the last couple of months is that God is always in control. He holds every breathe we take in the palm of His hands. As a parent it has been the hardest thing to see my little baby struggle. God brought Charles into this world and when Charles stopped breathing during the MRI, I realized how precious every moment is. What we thought was a simple scan turned in to be the scariest thing we have ever had to encounter. God breathed life back into my baby and what brings happy tears to me is that God is not finished with Charles and He has so many plans for him. When I think how the past couple of months have been the hardest for my family from Charlie having hernia repair surgery, to Hannah having a kidney infection, to Charles' feeding issues and breathing problems I realize how we are really being tested. There are days when it is so hard, yesterday Charles was struggling with feeding and we have to really be careful because in his swallow study they discovered he was aspirating. Along with that Hannah is still getting use to the fact that she has to share mommy. Even when it does get hard God has blessed me with two great kids and has given me patience to get through each day.