Charlie has been sick for a while coughing and congested we finally took him to urgent care this morning because he did not sleep all night. Our family Dr. closed down because they are building a condo where the office was, so we knew he would not be able to get into a new Dr. right away. The Dr. prescribed him some medicine and some antibiotics. Thankfully we were the only ones in the urgent care so we were in and out pretty fast. Afterwards we dropped off the prescription at Walgreens. While we were waiting we walked down the street to the Issaquah salmon festival. Hannah and daddy had so much fun trying the different foods. While we were walking around different kids had these big balloons. Hannah repeatedly said "balloo" "balloo". Charlie saw the person selling them about two blocks away. Being the great dad he is, he ran as fast as he could to go get her one. The things a daddy will do for his daughter. When she saw him with the big balloon she could not stop screaming, she was so excited.