I know it ends up around my head and on my body!
Hannah is miss independent! She likes to do everything herself. She has perfected the pouty face to try and get her way.
Su Su (charlie's mom) has been here for a week and has been a great help. Hannah is still having ear problems and we had to take her back to the Dr on Friday. Her right ear drum burst and she has an infection in the left still. So she is on another round of meds to see if we can get it better. Thankfully we have help because she is extra fussy! The Dr also took her off of all dairy products because she thinks she has an allergy to it. We are on a Soy trial for three weeks to see if it makes a difference. The baby is doing great. I had an appointment yesterday and they said his heart rate was good and he looks great. Thank you to everyone who has been thinking about us and praying for us.